Small Groups
The mission of Christ UMC’s Small Group Ministry is to provide opportunities for study within groups of 12-15 persons. It is our hope that groups will form strong bonds that promote fellowship and trust among believers.
To get connected with a small group, please contact Carol Yarian or email her at
Groups meet depending on the availability of the group members.
Study and Fellowship Groups

Faith Builders
This group meets on Sunday mornings from 9:45am-10:30 am in the Pastor's Study. This group seeks to build their faith through study of the Scripture. They use different books and topics to guide them as they walk together to gain a better understanding of the Scripture. Great discussions and challenging questions are enjoyed by this fellowship of friends.

Women of Faith Bible Study
Christ UMC Women’s Bible Study is open to all women of all ages. The group meets on Tuesday mornings from 10-11am in the Pastor's Study at the church. Studies from the Women of Faith series include such topics as Contagious Joy, Encouraging One Another, Living Above Worry and Stress, and Receiving God’s Goodness, among others.

HeBrews Men's Fellowship
The HeBrews Men’s Fellowship meets at 8:00am every Friday morning in the Pastor's Study at the church to encourage, support, and “solve all the world’s problems.”

Wesley Fellowship
This group meets on Sunday mornings from 9:45am-10:30 am in Room 3 to help each other grow in faith through discussions of the Adult Bible studies. This bible study plan develops personal spiritual practices such as prayer, worship, hospitality, community, and service to help deepen your faith.

Sisters in Christ
This women's group meets on Sunday mornings from 9:45am-10:30am in Room 4. You will connect, grow and be empowered to take on daily life through the teachings of God.

Sisters in Loss
This group of women who have lost their husbands meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 11am to offer mutual love, support and understanding for each other during this difficult stage of life.

Martha Circle
This group of women meets the third Tuesday of every month at 2pm in the Pastor's Study. They have a missional focus and offer each other support, encouragement and fellowship. All ladies are invited and welcome to join!