A Better Life - Brianna's Hope
We want to be the other choice. An opportunity for "a better life". It is our goal to help you win the battle against your addiction. Our approach is participant-driven, faith-based and compassion-filled. We offer a judgment-free safe zone where you can be as honest and transparent as you choose, and not be condemned for doing so.
Understand that the others who attend can relate to where you are, and how hard it is to climb out of the hole you've found yourself in. These fellow strugglers will soon become your friends and family.
Our door is always open - you need only take the first step and walk through it. Whether we're your first choice or your last hope, we believe we can make a difference in your life.
Team Hope offers a chance to those who thought there were none left. We believe that the improbable can be done immediately, though the impossible may take a little while longer. Together, with Christ, we are changing lives.
We encourage transparency, honesty, vulnerability and
boldness. We provide a space for you to have your own opinion.
In pure Jesus style, we will show you that we care more about the addict than the addiction; the struggler than the struggle; and more about your today than your yesterday.
Because of the effort being made by so many, we are seeing an incredible ripple effect. We are witnessing lives being transformed, families coming together, parents getting their children back; certain legal charges being dropped or delayed; employment being found; children improving in school; and communities are undergoing positive change.
Email: ablbh@christumchurch.org

Brianna's Prayer - Our Foundational Document:
“Please Lord, look after me and my family. Please help me to do the right thing and to show people I am not a bad person inside or out and help me Lord to get through this disappointment again and know I make mistakes but who doesn’t? I don’t do it to do wrong. I do it cuz I feel I have no other choice. I want a better life, Lord, I do. Please help me. Do to me as what you feel is best. I surrender to you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”